Hair is one of the most important aspects of a person’s overall personality. Some people ignore this aspect, some take care of it, while others panic a lot about their hair condition.
Just like DNA, each individual has a different hair type. In simple words, each person has a unique hair type which cannot be found even in the 8 billion population.
So, you might be thinking about how difficult it could be to inform each individual about his/her hair type to better take care of them. Sounds impossible! Well, it is not. In this article, I have mentioned some general ways to ensure a good hair care routine for all individuals.
These universal hair care tips are applicable for all hair types from different ethnicities. So let’s have a look.
Look for common scalp conditions
Various conditions may be present on an individual scalp. Some could be unharmful, while others could be dangerous. However, each condition will have negative impacts on hair health. Take the example of dandruff, which is the most common scalp issue in adults.
The scalp will look flaky and the hair may become more oily. Also, if you scratch a lot, you might face temporary hair loss. So, what I want to say is to get the appropriate treatment for an underlying condition to better take care of your hair.
This is quite important. Otherwise, you may end up running your efforts that are described in the next ways.
Wash your hair enough
Taking enough baths is compulsory to maintain a healthy hair care routine. While bath count depends on the individual’s hair type, 2 to 3 baths are generally considered safe.
Use lukewarm water in bathing. Avoid excessive hot showers cuz they drive out natural oils from the skin and hair, making them more vulnerable to breakage.
Take short baths. Limit bath timing to just 5 to 10 minutes. After taking a bath, pat dry your scalp with a gentle cloth. Wash your hair often if they are oily.
Trust only medically approved products

Whenever you look for products to take care of your skin or hair, trust only medicated products. You can find various beauty products, conditioners, and exfoliating products online. However, make sure to check if they are clinically tested or not.
For your ease, I have found a medicated dandruff shampoo that will not only drive out flakes from your scalp but also soothe dry hair.
You will also get a moisturizing cream for better results. Use the shampoo during the bath and rinse thoroughly to avoid residue buildup. Pat dry the skin and apply moisturizer to treat dryness.
Style your hair carefully

Styling is safe but should be done with extra care. Using ponytails can make your hair look gorgeous, but you will have to pay a huge price. Styling with tight ponytails will damage hair and may cause temporary hair loss.
Use a wide-toothed comb. If your hair is wet, comb it gently because they are more vulnerable to breakage.
What if your or someone’s scalp is affected by dandruff, and both of you are using the same comb? At this point, you might be wondering, is dandruff contagious? You cannot get dandruff from the affected person. So, it is safe to use another person’s comb.
To dry your hair, rely on air drying. Let your hair dry naturally. Do not use a hair dryer on heat to dry hair. If you want to use it, set the heat to low or medium.
Eat healthy
Diet impacts the hair directly. Our hair is mostly made up of protein. So, you might be thinking of adding items with high amounts of protein to your diet. Well, that’s pretty good.
However, you must balance your diet to get all the things working well. Drink more than enough water.
This will keep your body hydrated and also hydrate your hair. Eat eggs, berries, fatty fish, and foods enriched with omega-3 fatty acids.
Avoid those things that can damage your hair
These include environmental factors, allergens, irritants, harmful products, detergents, beauty products, and much more. Each and everything that may prove harmful to your hair, you must stay away from them.
Stay away from hair care products that are just for styling or show-off. You can use them occasionally but not frequently or in your daily routine. However, you can use natural items like eggs, aloe vera gel, and natural oils.
Avoid excessive exposure to heat or sunlight. Avoid long baths. Comb your hair gently. Avoid vigorous combing. Stress can make your hair condition worse. Perform stress-relieving exercises to reduce stress.
I cannot figure out each individual’s hair type out of 8 billion populating and tell him what is good for you.
That is why I have created these general tips that apply to individuals with any hair type. I hope you find these tips helpful.